In our country there is a trend for the birth rate to decline and the population to age, with a peak having been reached both in the total population and the working-age population. As a result of this problem of a declining population there are deepening concerns about the increase in the age of owners of SMEs and the rise in the ratio of companies with no successor, which have become important issues for our society.
Nihon M&A Center was founded with the help of investments from tax accountants and certified public accountants from around the country with the aim of helping owners of SMEs to engage in M&A to solve the problem of having no successor, thereby contributing to the continuation and development of their companies. We like to think that since we were founded we have helped prevent closure of businesses, preserve employment and revive regional economies through our engagement in over 9,500 successful M&A mandates.
Companies are public institutions for society. We regard it as essential for companies of the future to act for the long-term benefit of each stakeholder, increasing value by solving social issues and moreover to contribute as corporate citizens to the sustainability of society.
Accordingly, to conduct duly our corporate social responsibility our group strives to embrace sustainability initiatives with continuous increase in our corporate value and sustainable development of society.
Furthermore, we believe that going forward there will be social issues with which it is difficult to engage just in the course of our usual company activities, and we wish to be active contributors as corporate citizens.
In the future we at the Nihon M&A Center Group shall continue to listen carefully to the diverse opinions of our customers and all other stakeholders, innovating and striving in our continual quest to build new forms of value for the sake of realizing a sustainable society.
The Nihon M&A Center Group seeks sustainable development of society and a continuous increase in our corporate value through implementation of management with sustainability initiatives.
Our whole company is active with sustainability initiatives, responsibility for which lies with the president directly through IR Office.
Sustainability framework
Our group considers social issues as business issues, and value is created solving social issues through our business activity. We strive to create an impact on stakeholders positively through our activities to create value and by being good corporate citizens, aiming for continuous increase in our corporate value and sustainable development of society.
Key social issues with which we are engaged
Through supporting M&A our group is involved with SME issues such as succession problems, improvement to productivity, and maintaining and increasing employment in local communities.
Moreover, extrapolating from the dynamics of our country’s population the domestic market is going to continue on its declining trend. We are accordingly strengthening our business capabilities in advising Japanese SMEs on M&A to capture share in overseas markets.
The Nihon M&A Center Group business activities
To pursue sustainability initiatives our group divides its business into three layers: thorough enforcement of corporate ethos, other; establishment of management foundations, and M&A support activities
Included in the category of thorough support of corporate ethos, other: corporate ethos, corporate aim and the Our way.
The management foundations we have established include governance (compliance, risk management, anti-corruption, corporate governance, information security), social (human rights, labour practices and diversity, health and safety, relationship with regional communities) and environment (environmental policy, response to climate change, consideration for the environment of our planet)
Our group conducts M&A support activities based on these corporate ethos and foundations.